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The Key to Carcoar

A special highlight of this year's Australia Day Fair was the recognition given to long time resident and storekeeper Colleen Howarth who was awarded the 'Key to Carcoar'. In his presentation speech mayor Scott Ferguson referred to Colleen as 'Carcoar's shining gem -the lady who quietly and gently links us all together'. A behind the scenes supporter of all that is Carcoar Colleen is the unofficial tourist officer for the village who provides information on local organisations and attractions and connects visitors, locals and newcomers. In accepting her award Colleen displayed the quiet dignity we have come to expect from this gracious lady. Congratulations Colleen and a big thank you to John Van Valen for making the key.Leaves Don't Drop They Just Let Go Carcoar's elm population is being ravaged by a tiny but destructive insect believed to be the Elm Leaf Beetle. These noble trees are an important feature of our natural environment and perhaps more than any other species give Carcoar its English country feel. According to information sourced from the Department of Primary Industries the Elm Leaf Beetle was first detected in Victoria in 1989 and since then has 'spread easily along major traffic routes because they often end up on cars that are parked near infected elm trees.' Parks and Gardens manager Brian Parker said “It’s the first time that the problem has occurred in these proportions and Council staff are currently monitoring the situation and will not act until the appropriate timing of intervention is required. If all goes well the problem may pass with new growth in the spring.” Closure of Carcoar Medical CentreIn a statement which was issued via social media Dr. Tamara Ford announced that she would be closing her Carcoar medical facility effective from January 25, 2016. In the statement she went on to explain the reasons for the closure and assured the community that she would remain as Licensee of Carcoar Post Office. Dr. Ford said that she would continue to provide clinical care to the residents of Uralba and indicated that she was also in the process of securing arrangements that will enable pathology services being provided as they are currently in Carcoar into the future. We wish Dr. Ford well in her future endeavours.


Carcoar Gets its Groove Back

Not since the 1970's and the glory days of the Carcoar Ben Hall Festival has the town hosted such a lively outdoor event. On Tuesday, January 26, anyone walking the streets of Carcoar could have been forgiven for thinking that they were back in the frontier days of a bustling nineteenth century town. Once again the streets reverberated with the burst of gunfire, the clip clop of horses' hooves and the rumble of carriage wheels. Ladies in satin crinolines paraded with their menfolk beneath parasols. It was a day to remember. Adding to the 'immersive experience' was the participation of Gold Trails Group with their bushranging re-enactments which proved to be a major draw card along with bush band 'November Shorn' and the coach rides provided by Travealy Horse Drawn Carriages and Ian Dowsett. In addition, the streets were lined with market stalls from Icely Street and across the bridge to Naylor Street and the Sports Ground allowing visitors to take in a much more comprehensive tour of the village.As in previous years a highlight of the day was the Street Parade. This year the Carcoar Hospital Museum took out first prize for their recreation of a bush laundry which demonstrated that life was not all froth & bubble for country ladies. In second place were the Carcoar Spinners and Weavers with their 'Take a Spin in the Country' float followed by Lilly Parker in third place with her animal friends Ginger and Gizmo assisted by Charlie O'Brien.The event is being described by organisers as an outstanding success and despite a few hiccups the word on the street has been largely positive. Evan Lee who organised the stalls said that stall numbers were well up on previous years. In order to build on the success of this year's Australia Day Fair the Carcoar Village Association would appreciate any feedback regarding the fair and suggestions on ways to improve the event. Please email your feedback to janebaulch77@gmail.comCongratulations to all those who assisted with the preparations for the day and to the community who gave their support. A special thank you to the Carcoar Australia Day sub committee (Evan Lee, Di Blazley, Max Wolf, Eric Foote, David Pickett and Judi Z) and to all those volunteers who gave their time, and to the stallholders, parade entrants and entertainers who took part on the day. See you all next year at the Carcoar Australia Day Fair!


Poetry in the Pub

Between 2.30pm and 4.30pm on Friday April 15 a 'Poetry in the Pub' afternoon will be held at the Royal. Afternoon tea will be provided and prizes will be awarded for the best original poem as well as the best rendition of a poem. There will be no cover charge. For further details please contact John Burke on 63673288.


Carcoar Historical Society AGM

The Annual General Meeting of The Carcoar and District Historical Society Inc. was held at the Court House on Tuesday, March 29. The following office-bearers and 2 ordinary committee members were elected as the Committee of Management: President, Brian Griffiths; Vice President, John Burke; Secretary, Carl Purcell; Treasurer, Louise Purcell; Research Officer, Cathy Griffiths; 2 Ordinary members, Dawn Williams and Anne Rewhorn. In General Business the question of the Society applying to lease the disused Carcoar Railway Station, or partnering another party in a lease, was discussed. Such a proposal was unanimously rejected by the meeting. The Society has responsibility for the management, maintenance and security of Carcoar Court House and Stoke Stable Museum (Supplied by Carl Purcell).


Down to Earth Gardening Expo & Plant Fair

On Sunday April 24 The Carcoar Hospital Museum & Restoration Committee will be holding their inaugural “Down to Earth” Gardening Expo and Plant Fair. The aim is to highlight ecology and sustainability along with the relaxation and pleasure to be derived from gardening. This year, they have invited selected quality nurseries with the view to offering customers the best available stock. The event will kick off at 10am.


Entries are invited in a competition for garden art created from recycled materials. All entries must be on site by 10am. Spaces for stall holders are disappearing fast so anyone with garden/environmental products for sale are encouraged to get in touch.
Jill 6367 3056   Eric 0427 166 273

Above: Highlights from Australia Day 2016.

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