On Friday December 18 Shalom will be hosting a Christmas Barbeque and, in the spirit of peace and goodwill, the good folk on the hill...

A PASSION FOR THE PAST: Laurel Thomas & Blenheim Hall.
Ever since she can remember Laurel Thomas says “It was a dream I'd always had, to buy something really old with history and rescue it.“...

Carcoar Village Fair Rescheduled for 2022
The Carcoar Village Association announces that the annual Carcoar Village Fair traditionally held on Australia Day will not be going...

A Carcoar Christmas
Here's cheers to a joyful present and a well remembered past. Our warmest wishes for the festive season and may your home be filled with...

Sport and Recreation Christmas Party
The Carcoar Sport and Recreation Club would like to invite all Carcoar residents to a free community Children's Xmas Party and Sausage...

Murrays Bid Farewell to Carcoar
Longtime Carcoarians Ron & Marion Murray have bid farewell to Carcoar. Friends gathered for a send-off last weekend to celebrate their...

Shalom Annual Christmas Barbeque
On Friday December 13 Shalom will be hosting a Christmas Barbeque and, in the spirit of peace and goodwill, the good folk on the hill...

Carcoar & Millthorpe Bridge the Gap
The date has finally been set with the official opening of the new bridge on Carcoar road scheduled for Monday December 2nd at 11am. The...

2020 Vision for Carcoar Village Fair
With 2020 fast approaching the Carcoar Village Association is ramping up preparations for the Carcoar Village Fair. The event, which is...

Springtime Revival
Carcoar is shaking off the winter gloom and heading into a Springtime boom. Thanks to a vibrant small business community and savvy social...