From the Archives: The Great Carcoar Flood of 1916.
“Carcoar reports the worst flood ever known. Residents of 70 years standing say that they cannot remember anything to equal it. The...

The Boy Next Door Goes to Rio
As Rio prepares for the upcoming Paralympics, the Carcoar community would like to extend their good wishes to our very own sporting...
Garage 'Sale of the Century'
Carcoar's Garage Sale of the Century will be held at the School of Arts, on Saturday 22nd October, 8am to 2pm, as part of the Garage Sale...

Carcoar on the Big Screen!
On Sunday September 11 moviegoers can make tracks to the Carcoar School of Arts for a special screening of the supernatural thriller...
Barry Art Sale
The Barry community group will be holding an art exhibition and sale at the Barry hall on Saturday September 17 and Sunday September 18...
Show & Tell Evening
On Tuesday August 9, The Carcoar Historical Society held its annual 'Show and Tell'. This year the event was held at Shalom, Carcoar....
Carcoar Public School AGM
The Carcoar P&C would like to thank all parents and the community who helped with fundraising and donations of wood, cakes, monies and...
Carcoar Village Association AGM
On Wednesday August 10, the Carcoar Village Association held its Annual General Meeting at the School of Arts. The interim executive was...
Pokemons Found In Carcoar
With the massive “Pokemon Go” craze taking the world by storm it is interesting to note that Pokemons have been found in and about the...
Carcoar Village Association AGM
The Carcoar Village Association will be holding its Annual General Meeting at the School of Arts on Wednesday August 10 at 6.30pm. All...