The Best Little Show in the Country Keeps Getting Better
With only weeks to go until the big day the 2016 Carcoar Show is set to continue a proud tradition begun more than a century ago of...
Stoke Stable Update
Stonework repairs have finally been completed on Stoke Stable following the expenditure of an additional $10,000 for essential...
Congratulations Kurt
Congratulations to Kurt Fearnley who finished with a silver medal in his final . The five-time Australian Paralympian missed out on gold...
Carmanhurst Village Cluster Formed
Last Thursday a special meeting was held at the Lyndhurst Hall to begin the process of forming a combined group from Carcoar, Mandurama &...

'Backtrack' Attracts Moviegoers
On Sunday September 11 moviegoers turned out for a special screening of the supernatural thriller Backtrack which was filmed partly in...

An Unexpected Visitor
The volunteers at the Carcoar Hospital Museum had an unwelcome visitor on Thursday. The ladies tell me that he emerged from the fireplace...