Just Announced
Bush band 'November Shorn' will be performing at the 2017 Carcoar Village Fair to be held on Australia Day. Renowned for their lively, down home style of country music the band has been performing for over thirty years with 'over 600 gigs in country halls, school halls, shearing sheds, haysheds, packing sheds, backs of trucks, verandahs, gardens, marquees, clubs, pubs etc. etc. from Bathurst to Bourke and Armidale to Gundagai'.
In addition, the ever popular Gold Trails Reenactment Group has also signed on for the day. The group has a well deserved reputation for colourful and detailed historical re-enactments based on meticulous research. They were a highlight of the 2016 event and we can't wait to see what they have in store for next year's event.