Record Breaking Turnout for Carcoar Village Fair
Great weather and a big advertising campaign saw the crowds swell to record numbers at the Carcoar Village Fair on Australia Day. The little 'Town Time Forgot' came to life with a bustling energy which evoked its nineteenth century heyday. Adding to the 'immersive experience' was the participation of the Gold Trails Group with their bushranging re-enactments which proved to be a major draw card along with bush band 'November Shorn', Ranger Nick, Penny Farthings, Murphy's Puppets and the coach rides provided by Travealy Horse Drawn Carriages.
The streets were lined with market stalls from Icely Street and across the bridge to Naylor Street allowing visitors to take in a more comprehensive tour of the village. There was also a strong turnout of vintage and classic cars on the banks of the Belubula which attracted plenty of interest. A special highlight of the day was the presentation of the inaugural Heritage Award to James Moule by Blayney Shire Mayor Scott Ferguson in recogonition of his long term comittment to restoring and conserving 'The Terraces.'
This year parking was allocated at the Sports Ground allowing visitors easier access to the event. By early afternoon the sportsground had been filled to capacity and Pound Flat was opened up to accommodate the spillover which was also soon filled. Gate takings and numbered programs confirm that attendance was up substantially from that of previous years. By lunchtime the numbered programmes had run out with people still streaming in. The event is being described by organisers as an unparalleled success and the word on the street has been very positive. A big thank you to Nick Hansen and Hansen Optometrists for sponsoring the costumes which contributed so much to the atmosphere on the day.
Congratulations to all those who assisted with the preparations for the day and to the community who gave their support. A special thank you to the Carcoar Australia Day sub committee (Evan Lee, Di Blazley, Eric Foote and John Burke) and to all those volunteers who gave their time, and to the stallholders, entertainers who took part on the day. The Carcoar Village Fair Committee would like to thank all their much appreciated sponsoring organisations, businesses and individuals for their support and contributions towards the success of the 2017 Fair. Major sponsors this year were: Hansen Optometrists, Blayney Shire Council, Westside Petroleum Blayney, Newcrest Cadia Valley, John Davis Motor group, Bernardis Farm Lane, Emms Mooney, and The Royal Hotel Carcoar.
Organisations, businesses and individuals who would like to consider sponsoring for next year are invited to contact Evan Lee email
See you all next year at the Carcoar Village Fair!