Show & Tell
The Carcoar and District Historical Society will be holding a 'Show and Tell' evening on Wednesday, September 27, 2017. This year the popular event will once aain be held at Shalom, Collins Street, Carcoar. Participants are encouraged to bring along any memorabilia, photographs, documents and stories relating to family or personal history or Australian history and heritage, especially items with relevance to Carcoar and district. We have had some amazing stories and objects in the past, dug up from the family archives or from other places, and we are sure that many treasures still lie forgotten in attics and basements of the district. You don't have to be a member of the Society to come--everyone is welcome. We will be starting at 7.00pm, and a light supper will be served, so do let us know you are coming! A plate to share for supper would be appreciated.
Enquiries: Carl Purcell ph. 63674155