Carcoar's Great Awakening
For decades it was regarded by many as a sleepy rural backwater seemingly untouched by 20th century progress. My, how quickly things change! These days the little 'Town Time Forgot' is showing signs of waking from its slumber and is fast becoming a mecca for entrepreneurs with new stores offering high quality fashion, homewares, locally sourced fresh produce and even a coffee bar. Complimenting the existing range of accommodation is the recently opened Old Post Office Guest House while across the road, the Royal Hotel continues to be at the heart of the town's revitalization and is crowded daily with locals and visitors. In the not too distant future Carcoar will have its own Medical centre and a cafe with the renovation of the old tearooms building currently in full swing, For the potential buyer who is looking to relocate to Carcoar there are plenty of desirable properties currently on the market.